
Coalition of Low-Wage and Immigrant Worker Advocates (CLIWA) Retreat Chaired by the Center for Workers’ Rights
The Center for Workers’ Rights chaired this year’s Coalition for Low-Wage and Immigrant Worker Advocates (CLIWA) annual retreat. Held in San Francisco, the two-day retreat had a record number of attendees who listened...

CWR Sponsors Legislation to Compensate Workers for Late Paychecks
On April 18, 2018, Center for Workers’ Rights Executive Director, Daniela Urban, testified before the Assembly Labor and Employment Committee urging members’ support of AB 2613 (Reyes), which would impose a penalty on...

Looking Back on our Victories and Looking Forward to Next Year
Dear Center for Workers’ Rights Supporters, 2015 was our first complete calendar year providing support to low-wage workers. We achieved so much this year and, as we move into 2016, we have a solid foundation to...
Unemployment Benefits Granted After Time-Off to Care for Mother
On November 19th, the Center for Workers’ Rights represented Su Wiest before the California Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board. Ms. Wiest was denied benefits by the Employment Development Department, without contest...

Oppose Sacramento’s Minimum Wage Ordinance
On September 2, 2015, a task force appointed by Mayor Kevin Johnson recommended increasing Sacramento, California’s minimum wage to $12.50 an hour by 2020 and tonight the Sacramento City Council will vote on that...

Davis Workers’ Rights Clinic Moves to Woodland
On October 6, 2015, the Center for Workers’ Rights and the Legal Aid Society-Employment Law Center hosted the first Workers’ Right Clinic of our second-year of services in the Yolo County community. Learning from our...

Sacramento Wage Theft Town Hall
On September 1, 2015, Center for Workers’ Rights Executive Director and David Huerta, President of SEIU-USWW, mc’ed the Sacramento Fair Pay Check Coalition’s wage theft town hall on the steps of the California Capitol....

Wood Cutter Awarded Overtime Wages
On August 10,2015, Hearing Officer Patricia Oviedo of the Stockton Labor Commissioner office awarded Center for Workers’ Rights client nearly $27,000 in wages and penalties as a result of the employer’s failure to pay...

Sacramento Workers’ Rights Clinic Opens
On June 2nd, the Center for Workers’ Rights and the Legal Aid Society – Employment Law Center added Sacramento as a new Workers’ Rights Clinic site, allowing greater numbers of low-wage workers in California to get...

Coalition of Low-Wage and Immigrant Worker Advocates 2015 Conference
The Center for Workers’ Rights helped plan and facilitate this year’s Coalition of Low-Wage and Immigrant Worker Advocates (CLIWA) Retreat and Conference. The Conference was held on May 15 and 16th at the SEIU-USWW...

Coffee Shop Worker Did Not Abandon Job
On May 11, 2015, the Center for Workers’ Rights represented a coffee shop worker in her appeal for unemployment benefits before the California Unemployment Appeals Board. The Employment Development Department (EDD)...

A Janitor’s Misclassification Results in Labor Commissioner Award
On April 13, 2015, the Labor Commissioner awarded Center for Workers’ Rights client Juana Rangel $27,053.14 in wages and penalties as a result of her misclassification as an independent contractor. Ms. Rangel was...
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