
Coronavirus – FAQs
The Center for Workers' Rights is committed to making sure workers in Sacramento have information about how the Coronavirus outbreak might affect their jobs and income. To help workers understand their...

CWR Reports to the Legislature on the Impact of Assembly Bill 5
Only a month after being enacted, CWR has already seen the tremendous impact of California Assembly Bill 5. Signed by the Governor in September 2019, and enacted on January 1st, AB 5 codifies the “ABC test” to...

CWR’s Sponsored Legislation on Late Paycheck Penalties Goes into Effect
AB 673, which was signed into law in October goes into effect on January 1, 2020. The Center for Workers’ Rights sponsored this bill which provides for an enforceable penalty when workers are not paid on time. CWR...

Married Janitorial Team Awarded $154,000 in Wages and Penalties
On September 19 and 20, 2019 the Labor Commissioner’s office served decisions awarding a combined total of $154,790.72 to Center for Workers’ Rights clients Manuel and Nancy Estay, former janitors at an event space in...

Language Discrimination Case at Davis Restaurant Reported by Sacramento Bee
"[Francisca] Perez worked at Osteria Fasulo for 11 years, making dishes such as braised rabbit stew with polenta for some of Davis’ wealthiest diners until May 31, 2018. During the dinner rush that night, Fasulo...

New Year, New Location for the Workers’ Rights Clinic
On September 20, 2018 the Center for Workers’ Rights and Legal Aid at Work launched the 5th year of the Workers’ Rights Clinic with UC Davis Law School (King Hall) at its new location at the Department of Health...

CWR Responds to Inaccurate Portrayal of Independent Contractor Misclassification
On September 6, 2018, the Sacramento Bee published a misleading post about the misclassification of employees as independent contractors. In the article, the Sacramento Bee quotes an owner of a local Barbershop about...

Appellate Court Rules in Favor of CWR in Piece Rate Truck Driver Case
The Center for Workers’ Rights began representing truck driver Curtis Vance after he attended our Workers’ Rights Clinic during its first year in January 2015. Vance often spent more than half his day “on duty, not...

Advocating for Rights of All Workers on Labor Day
Once again, the Center for Workers’ Rights celebrated Labor Day with union members and local politicians at the Sacramento Central Labor Council’s Labor Day Picnic held this year at Fairytale Town at William Land Park....

Center for Workers’ Rights Selected to Represent the Sacramento Family Unity, Education, and Legal (FUEL) Network
The Sacramento FUEL Network is a coalition of nonprofits, religious organizations, law school immigration clinics, businesses, local pro bono attorneys, educators and other community partners dedicated to helping...

4th Annual Awards Celebration
Thank you for making our 4th Annual Awards Celebration a success! On August 8, 2018, we gathered at the Citizen Hotel to celebrate our 4th year providing legal and advocacy services to low-wage workers in the...

Supporting a Victim of Sexual Harassment
To support a worker during her sexual harassment case, the Center for Workers’ Rights represented former employee in a civil restraining order hearing against her harasser and former boss. The urgency of the matter and...
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