
A Wage Claim Win for an Acupuncturist
When a local Acupuncturist contacted the Center her goal was to figure out if she was owed money and if so, how she could receive the money she was owed. The acupuncturist was paid based on the number of clients...

Dairy Farm Worker Gets Paid for Years of Missed Breaks
After 17 years of working for a dairy in Stanislaus County, Antonio decided to file a claim for his missed meal and rest breaks. Because of the nature of dairy work, it was difficult for Antonio to even get one 15...

CWR Places Limits on Fraud Accusations with Legislative Change
The Center for Workers’ Rights has spoken to thousands of workers during the pandemic about their unemployment insurance benefit claims and continually answer questions about EDD’s use of the “false statement penalty”...

VICTORY! CWR Reaches Agreement with EDD to Resolve Thousands of Claims Currently In Pending Status
The Center for Workers’ Rights and Altshuler Berzon LLP reached an agreement with the Employment Development Department (EDD) to pay unemployment insurance benefits (UI) to claimants whose continued eligibility EDD is...

CWR Commemorates the First Year of the Job Protection Helpline
The Center for Workers' Rights celebrates the one year anniversary of our Coronavirus Job Protection Helpline. In the year the line has been open, we have been able to serve more than 24 thousand workers who have...

Sierra Health Foundation Partners with CWR and other Community Based Organizations on California COVID-19 Workplace Outreach Program
The Center for Workers’ Rights and 52 other organizations throughout the state have partnered with the The California Labor and Workforce Development Agency (LWDA) to be a part of the new California COVID-19 Workplace...

EDD Announces “Suspected Fraud” Freeze
EDD this month announced that it would be freezing over 35,000 Bank of America debit cards due to suspected fraud. This announcement comes at a time when workers are struggling to keep up with their mounting bills. ...

The Center for Workers’ Rights Continued Advocacy for Unemployed Workers Gives Advice to Assembly Subcommittee 4
The Center for Workers’ Rights continues to advocate for reforms to improve California’s unemployment insurance benefit system. As a workers’ rights organization, we have seen first-hand the impact of EDD's decisions...

The Center for Workers’ Rights Conducts its First Unemployment Insurance Clinic
Due to the massive influx of uninsurance claims being filed by workers due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, the Center for Workers’ Rights held its first Clinic exclusively for workers needing individualized advice on...

CWR Helps Enact City of Sacramento Worker Protection Ordinance
The Center for Workers’ Rights and the Sacramento Central Labor Council worked closely with Sacramento Mayor Darrell Steinberg and members of the city council to draft and pass the Sacramento Worker Protection, Health...

We Secured Unemployment Benefits for 13,000 Californians
The Center for Workers’ Rights scored an important victory for 13,000 workers in California who were improperly disqualified from obtaining unemployment benefits from the Employment Development Department (EDD) during...

Our Launch of the Coronavirus Job Protection Helpline
The unprecedented shelter in place orders due to the Coronavirus pandemic has led to a dramatic increase in job instability and fear over worker safety. The City of Sacramento asked the Center for Workers’ Rights and...
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