
Another CWR Victory Preserving Pandemic Unemployment Benefits
In our 4th victory of its kind this year, a California Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board (CUIAB) judge determined that our client Mark’s submitted documents were sufficient to establish his eligibility for Pandemic...

Individual Language Access Demonstrates the Importance of AB 401
When Cheng, a Mien speaker, reached out to the Center for Workers’ Rights in March of this year, she had been trying to access unemployment insurance benefits for more than four months without success. Through our...

CWR Outreach at South Sacramento Festival
The office of Sacramento City Councilmember Mai Vang (District 8) hosts an event each year in South Sacramento to bring together community members through dance, music, art, and community resources. Our team was...

Center for Workers’ Rights Joins the LGBTQ Center for Community Outreach
On October 6, 2022, the Center for Workers’ Rights (CWR) attended the “You Betta Work” Fair hosted by the Sacrament LGBTQ Center. This event was the first time CWR provided information about workplace protections at a...

CWR Rallies for Paid Family Leave Expansion and Governor Responds
On the last day for the Governor to sign bills into law, the Center for Workers’ Rights joined the California Work & Family Coalition in front of the capitol to urge the Governor to sign SB 951. The bill would...

CWR Laments Governor’s Veto of AB 2847
The Center for Workers’ Rights (CWR) regretfully conveys our disappointment in Governor Newsom’s vetoing of AB 2847, California’s Safety Net For All bill. AB 2847 would have extended unemployment insurance benefits to...

The Center for Workers’ Rights Holds its 8th Annual Awards Celebration
The Center for Workers’ Rights would like to thank all that were able to attend and support our 8th Annual Awards Celebration. We were grateful to be able to safely celebrate together again after a two-year hiatus...

Pandemic Issues Still Prevalent in Unemployment Insurance Claims
Back in November of 2021, Kimberly Gonzales called the Center for Workers’ Rights looking for help with her Unemployment Insurance claim. A restaurant worker on tribal lands, Ms. Gonzales took time off of work in May...

CWR’s Supports Clarity in Employee Classification at the Federal Level
CWR provided details on our experience in the wake of California clarifying its test for whether an individual is an employee or independent contractor to the California Advisory Committee for the US Commission on...

CWR Celebrates Labor Movement’s History at Annual May Day Event
CWR participated in Sacramento’s yearly celebration of May Day. May Day or International Workers Day is celebrated around the world in recognition of the sacrifice workers have made in the fight for dignity, equity and...

CWR Speaks with ABC 10 on New COVID Sick Leave Policy
COVID Paid Sick Leave was once again extended in California! The benefits which had ended in September of 2021 have once again been reinstated due to the spike in the new COVID variant omicron. Mike Duffy, from ABC...

Winter Booster Outreach & Workers’ Rights Clinic
Since the vaccine boosters were made widely available and more children were eligible to be vaccinated, CWR has targeted workers seeking the vaccines for themselves or their families to provide information on their...
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