Our Launch of the Coronavirus Job Protection Helpline

The unprecedented shelter in place orders due to the Coronavirus pandemic has led to a dramatic increase in job instability and fear over worker safety. The City of Sacramento asked the Center for Workers’ Rights and the Sacramento Central Labor Council to launch a helpline to alleviate worker concerns, to help answer questions about workplace rights, and to assist with accessing unemployment benefits. 

Our hotline is open today to offer you support if you have lost your job and to answer your questions regarding eligibility for  Unemployment, Disability, and Paid Family Leave benefits. The helpline is open Monday-Friday 9am-5pm. You can reach us directly at 916-905-1625 or by calling 211 or 311 services and selecting option 1 in the City or County of Sacramento. 

During these unprecedented and uncertain times, we want to ensure that all workers have an advocate available to them who can keep up to date on all the latest developments, health and safety protocols, and protections for unemployment. 

We offer legal support, know your rights training, one on one wage claim consultations, support for discrimination and retaliation, and assistance with unemployment insurance claims. Our services are available for all low-wage workers regardless of their immigration status, or language needs. You can contact us via email at info@rightscenter.org or call our new Coronavirus Job Protection Helpline.

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