CWR Joins Dolores Huerta on the Nueva Epoca Panel for Farmworker Rights

On May 10th, CWR’s Laura Leon-Navarro, and Kimberli Bautista were invited to speak on a panel for Nueva Epoca. Nueva Epoca is a program designed for members of the Latinx community in Sacramento as part of the Youth Development Program. The goal of the program is to build leadership capacity within the community in order to prepare and empower the next generation of Latinx leaders to influence business and civic policy decisions.

Laura joined Dolores Huerta, Irene De Barraicua from our partner organization Lideres Campesinas, as well as the Director of Communications for UFW, Antonio De Loera-Brust, and others to discuss our work with farm workers as well as our personal connections with the farm worker community in and around Sacramento. CWR discussed with the panel the importance of the legislative work we engage in, such as the push for Safety Net for All, which would expand access to Unemployment Insurance to over 1.1 million undocumented workers in California, as well as the other free-of-charge services we offer to all workers regardless of citizenship status. 

It was an honor for CWR to share space and our lived experiences with the farm worker community. Throughout the year, both Laura and Kimberli engage in direct outreach with farm workers, partnering with other community based organizations to provide education, resources, and support to these essential workers. We look forward to continuing to build these relationships and bonds with other individuals and organizations who have dedicated their time and energy to building worker power. If you have questions regarding your rights in the workplace, or need support with workplace issues, please call our hotline at 916-905-5857 or email us at

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