Female staff working with elderly woman

Access to Justice

A core commitment of the Center is to guide workers through the process of enforcing their workplace rights through advice and representation.

Woman working on the field

Creating Lasting Impact

By changing the systems that impact low-wage workers, our accomplishments reach beyond the individual workers we assist.

Male staff writing on document

Building Community Connections

We bring workers together to learn, take action, boost leadership, and to advocate for their rights and better working conditions.

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10th Anniversary


Paid Sick Leave Increase for Workers in 2024

Paid Sick Leave Increase for Workers in 2024

All employees have the right to Paid Sick Leave in California and on January 1, 2024 the amount of time an employee can take will increase.  Since 2015, California full-time and part-time workers at employers of any size have had the right to take a minimum of 3 paid...

Know Your Rights Training at the Union Job Fair

Know Your Rights Training at the Union Job Fair

On October 11, 2023,  the Center for Workers Rights joined numerous Unionized employers  for the South Sacramento Union Job Fair hosted by the Sacramento Central Labor Council. The event provided opportunities for community members to receive information about...

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