On October 6, 2022, the Center for Workers’ Rights (CWR) attended the “You Betta Work” Fair hosted by the Sacrament LGBTQ Center. This event was the first time CWR provided information about workplace protections at a Sacramento LGBTQ Center Job fair and we were excited to join other attendees like WEAVE, Golden1 Credit Union, and the Sacramento Kings.
This job fair connects job seekers with LGBTQ-affirming employers with open positions. Many in the LGBTQ community have faced discrimination in the workplace and CWR attended to make sure job seekers had resources about their rights to a workplace free of discrimination and harassment. We also provide information about unlawful hiring questions and how to access unemployment insurance while looking for work.
We are grateful to the Sacramento LGBT Center for including us in their event and we connected with several workers who were interested in learning more about their workplace rights!
If you are a community based organization that would like the Center for Workers’ Rights to table at an upcoming event, please contact us at 916-905-5857 or hotline@rightscenter.org